Wigo Registrars

Trademark and Intellectual Property Services

Wigo’s Trademark and Intellectual Property Services are designed to safeguard your intellectual assets in Kenya. We understand the critical importance of protecting your trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights. Our service offers a comprehensive solution, including trademark registration, copyright protection, and strategic guidance to maximize the value of your intellectual property. Key features of our service encompass expert consultation, thorough research, and a commitment to navigating the complexities of intellectual property laws. By choosing Wigo, you gain a partner dedicated to securing your intellectual property rights, ensuring that your innovations and creativity are shielded from infringement.

Why Choose Us:

Wigo stands out in Trademark and Intellectual Property Services due to its in-depth understanding of Kenyan intellectual property laws and a team of experts well-versed in the intricacies of trademark registration and copyright protection. We offer a holistic approach that goes beyond registration, helping you develop strategies to leverage your intellectual assets for business growth. Our commitment to cost-effective solutions and proactive monitoring sets us apart from competitors. When you choose Wigo, you choose a partner dedicated to protecting and maximizing the value of your intellectual property.

We assist in registering and protecting your trademarks, ensuring that your brand identity is safeguarded.

Our service helps protect your creative works through copyright registration, preventing unauthorized use.

We provide strategic guidance to help you leverage your intellectual assets for business growth and competitive advantage.


Trademark registration protects your brand identity, prevents others from using similar marks, and enhances your brand’s reputation and value.

Wigo can assist in registering various creative works, including literary, artistic, and musical creations, ensuring they are legally protected from unauthorized use.

Regular reviews are recommended to adapt your strategy to changing business needs and market conditions. Wigo can provide ongoing support to ensure your strategy remains effective.

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